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These days it seems like there is a smart version of practically every household device out there. From smart assistants and phones to household essentials like lights, televisions and blinds, there are a variety of ways to maximize your comfort with devices designed to work with every aspect of your home.

Whether you’re new to this type of technology or you’re eager to deck your home out in all of the smart devices you can find, there’s one type of smart technology that is picking up steam because of the many benefits it offers. Smart thermostats are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners and business owners looking to save on energy costs without sacrificing comfort. While these devices may sometimes seem too good to be true, there are a variety of smart devices available on the market today that makes finding the one right for your family and home easy.

As your trusted experts for all things HVAC, you can count on us to guide you to the right smart thermostat for your home. Keep reading for a breakdown of the benefits that these devices offer along with some of the features that they come equipped with.

What is a Smart Thermostat?

Before we cover the benefits of a smart thermostat, let’s go over what makes these devices different from your typical thermostat. A smart thermostat is enabled with Wi-Fi and is able to automatically adjust the heating and cooling temperature settings within your home. Overall, a smart thermostat offers a level of control, convenience, and insight that you aren’t able to get with a traditional, manual thermostat.

1. Track Your Energy Use

No one likes being surprised, especially with a big bill. Smart thermostats provide real time data about your energy usage, giving you timely insights that you can take immediate action on. This tracking also enables you to see how your energy use changes over time, so you can see how your smart thermostat impacts your energy costs. The tracking that a smart thermostat provides can also serve as an early warning to any potential issues with your HVAC system. If your energy usage suddenly spikes, then it might be a sign that something bigger could be happening with your system. Early detection of potential problems means you can address them before they cause more damage to your system.

2. Save on Energy Costs

Of course, one of the most attractive benefits that come with switching to a smart thermostat is the ability to save on energy costs. Smart thermostats can reduce your energy bill by providing accurate and timely information, allowing you to use your heating and air conditioning systems more efficiently. By adjusting your home’s temperature according to your family’s needs, you’ll cut down on energy waste and save each month.

3. Control Your Thermostat Remotely

Unlike typical thermostats that must be controlled directly at the control panel, a smart thermostat can be controlled remotely, from an app on your phone. Forgot to adjust your thermostat before leaving on vacation? No problem – you can adjust your temperature from anywhere! Smart thermostats also make it easy to ensure you arrive home to the perfect temperature every time by allowing you to set your desired temperature before you even arrive home.

4. Movement Sensors

Since your air conditioning and heat needs change throughout the day, smart thermostats equipped with sensors can automatically adjust according to when people are up and active in your house. These movement sensors can pick up on when people are gone or active throughout the house, which can inform how temperature changes are scheduled.

5. Continued Learning

One of the benefits with all smart devices is that the more we use them, the more they “learn.” This means that in addition to its sensors, many smart thermostats will learn your family’s habits over time and adjust accordingly. For example, your thermostat will begin to learn your family’s schedules, such as when everyone is awake or sleeping, and can optimize the temperature for each of those moments.

6. Easy to Use

Sometimes advancements in technology can be intimidating for people, especially for those of us that are less than tech-savvy. However, smart thermostats often have large, easy-to-understand control panels that enable you to utilize all of the features they come with. If you have a smartphone, then you won’t have any trouble working a smart thermostat.

Programmable Thermostats

While a smart thermostat is going to give you the most control, insights and convenience, a programmable thermostat is still a good option if you want to upgrade from a manual thermostat but you’re not necessarily ready for all the technology that comes with a smart thermostat. A programmable thermostat is a good option if you’d like to cut your energy costs that you’re experiencing with a manual thermostat for less upfront cost than a smart thermostat.

Programmable thermostats come in a range of prices, making them a popular choice among homeowners. In addition to their lower costs, they also offer some of the same convenience as a smart thermostat since they allow you to program your home’s temperature according to different days and times of the week. For example, if your house is often empty during the day Monday through Friday, then you can program your thermostat so that your heating and cooling system isn’t running unnecessarily during these times. While they don’t have all of the bells and whistles as some smart thermostats, if you and your family have a reliable schedule, then a programmable thermostat can still help you save big on your energy bill each month.

If you’re looking to save on your home’s energy costs without compromising your family’s comfort, then simply upgrading your thermostat can make a big difference. We can not only help you decide which kind of thermostat is right for you and your family’s needs, but we can also quickly swap out your thermostat and get you up and running with your new system. Contact JAC Services to discuss further!

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